Whether you are presenting a panel, leading an interactive session or just attending the summit, there is a lot of buzz and benefit to capture from utilizing twitter in the right way.

Read this guide and try out some tips before your next conference experience. See how you can build stronger personal connections and expand the reach of your business or presentation topic.


Let People Know You Are Presenting or Attending

Plan several tweets leading up to the event that show you are attending or presenting. For our summits, we always have event promotions and speaker announcements on twitter with the event hashtag. Use that hashtag, combined with other relevant ones to attract people to the summit while building excitement for the topics that will be shared.

Let People Know You Are Presenting or Attending


Use Strong Visuals

If you are presenting, make sure your slides are visually appealing. Include charts, graphs or memes to create a conversation around your presentation. Highlight important insights or key takeaways so your audience can easily share the information.

If you are attending, make sure you are sharing photos or videos from the summit along with your tweet. This will help show your followers the value of the event and give a little “fomo” to your colleagues who did not attend.

Use Strong Visuals


Live Tweet Your Session

Live-tweeting your own session or someone else’s panel, helps the information reach a wider audience. This is a great way to share what you are experiencing with co-workers who could not attend or interested parties who could not travel for the event. Prepare a list of tweets a member of your team can share during your presentation but also have them include spur of the moment Q&As or discussions.

Live Tweet Your Session


Monitor the Event Page and Hashtag After the Event

Follow up on those initial connections you made during the event by seeing their thoughts and feedback through Twitter. Some speakers share recaps of their panel discussions, which is great information to take back to your team.

You can also look for relevant content on other social platforms using the same hashtag. On LinkedIn, we even have individual groups for each summit to help keep the conversation going until the next event!

Connect and mention others who were at the summit and always use the event hashtag (plus other relevant ones) so others can join the conversation.

Monitor the Event Page and Hashtag After the Event


Have fun!

Finally, have fun with it. Twitter was created to be a social tool that connects users all over the world but those do not have to be super serious connections. Find creative ways to share your content and make personal connections with your audience.

Creative Ideas:

  • Share videos of yourself speaking about the conference experience
  • Showcase fun networking opportunities during the summit
  • Create fun visuals to accompany your tweets
  • Share silly photos of you and the new friends you have made
  • Use GIFs or memes to enhance your tweets

Use GIFs or Memes to Enhance Your Tweets


Having a strong Twitter strategy before, during and after the conference/summit can help increase attendance, gain support, display your expertise, extend the reach of your presentation and continue the new relationships you have made.


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